When talking about a genre that seems to find its momentum in 2016, then Team-Based Shooter genre is arguably the most rising. Concept-based multiplayer shooter game character class has different skill variants of each other is not something new. Some shooter game with more theme "light" such as Team Fortress 2 or PvZ: Garden Warfare offers a taste similar, including the more serious games like Battlefield or Call of Duty is now also rests on the character class system like this. But in 2016, at least three prominent titles - Battleborn, Overwatch, and Paladins.

Although it makes the shooter as a base, they also mix a little thrill MOBA on it. Each of them comes with a variant character pretty much, with each of which has three to four variants of skill that can be used in combat. Not only that, it is also clear division of roles. No character is positioned as damager, tanker, to support more effective in line behind. Game concoction Blizzard - Overwatch is now arguably the most dominating series with a high number of players and super active community. But unfortunately, the price sold classmate with AAA game may make many gamers think twice before buying it.

You belong to one gamer this one? Believe it or not, a game that could be used as a substitute suddenly surfaced in Steam. Absolutely, we discuss the Paladins. Inappropriate or to glance? This beta will give the impression deeper picture for you.

So, What's Paladins?

Cara terbaik menjelaskan apa itu Paladins? Bayangkan Overwatch!
The best way to explain what it was Paladins? Imagine Overwatch!
Paladins is a game multiplayer team-based shooter with RPG elements in it a little bit, or maybe you could call a MOBA. Simply put, it offers gameplay that is almost similar to what's offered in Overwatch Blizzard with almost all the elements that will be familiar to you. Various characters with a variety of capabilities that can be used for a variety of roles to be combined in a team-based game. On the surface, it does look like a clone of "cheesy" is simply to borrow some popularity, but for those who have tasted it, he turned out to have its own unique appeal.

For those of you who are still undecided, Paladins itself was developed by Hi-Rez Studios is the quality of performance is already evident with MOBA game from the perspective of a third person - Smite. In the middle of the competition dominated by the League of Legends and DOTA 2, the unique charm offered Smite with microtransactions policy very tolerable save him from the fate of most other MOBA games are "dead" at a young age.

As with Overwatch also, Paladins also menitikberatkkan gameplay more on the action than its MOBA side itself. Skill built with simple descriptions and execution did not take a lot of considerations other than the cooldown time of it as a limitation. Most of the weapons are also designed to throw a bullet or any kind of attack without regard to recoil, so the flow fighting moves super fast. The role of the class is divided into Front Liner (Tanker), Flank (ganker), damager (Carry) and Support (Healer), although it did not make it feel significantly different from each other. Support characters like the squirrel with a big cannon gun - Pip, for example, has a big weapon damage and the effects of a deadly attack in spite of his role is written as "Support". The role of this kind seems determined solely because Pip had one extra skills for healing.

Untuk saat ini, mode permainan yang tersedia hanyalah Hybrid - kombinasi mode Assault dan Escort.

So, how to fashion his own game? For business this one, Paladins unique counted. Instead of splitting it into two separate modes, they decided to merge two separate modes - Assault and Escort in the same game modes as well as the mode "Hybrid" from Overwatch. Starting with Assault asking you to master one particular area, the winning team will bring the car to be protected to the destination. What is unique is the assessment system. Each round will be worth two points at each of these objective worth 1. If you won the Assault phase and Escort, your team will automatically get two points. But if you only complete one and the other ends fails, then the score would end 1-1. The team that first get the number 4 will first come out as winners.

Paladins glance it appropriate?

Ingin memainkan Overwatch dan tak pernah punya cukup uang untuk membelinya? Ini adalah subsitusi terbaik untuk itu!

We own highly recommend it. Although the term "Beta" means the content is still minimal, limited variation hero, and the server is still considered unstable, but the Hi-Rez has built a solid foundation that only need enhanced with more content in the future. Its status as a free game to play well blended quite well, making sure that you can still enjoy this game optimally without the need to spend any money, as long as you do not object to the existing grinding process. Battle is always running fast, intense, and enough to get the adrenaline racing through a variety of strong especially precarious situation oddly, often comes as a fashion design he offers.

Then there is no impression of being more appropriate for the Paladins in addition to refer to it as an alternative for gamers game Overwatch beggar. With the price of the current Overwatch, not something strange if many gamers who can not afford it ended. If you're one who fit into this category, Paladins will fulfill what you need. At least to capture the atmosphere and gameplay sensation like what he applied. Paladins and Overwatch now it feels similar, but the space is still wide open for development through diverse cosmetic and new characters can they develop, could Paladins will have a similar level of popularity at the end. One other thing to note is the absence of a server for the SEA region. The nearest server that you can use today is Australia, which of course, requires a connection that is not only fast but also stable to be enjoyed.

Paladins you can download for free via Steam.