If you include people who are always clean, until he one day-was left unturned to rid your electronic equipment, including a LCD monitor or TV screen you, below I will say a few tips on safe and efficient when cleaning the screen. Although you only intend to clean up a bit of dust or a fingerprint stick in your electronic screen, you still have to be careful in choosing the equipment used and also to be with the touch of a safe ..! Do not want to display the "expensive" you become quickly broken ?!

Is it true that one can damage cleanup?

If you turn out always doing the wrong thing when cleaning the screen during this time, be it a computer screen or television, electronic goods this one will be more rapid in the waiting time of the damage. As you know the monitor screen HD TVs and modern now has a brighter screen, sharper, and more responsive, yet modern screen also turns increasingly more vulnerable if not treated properly. To clean it properly is also not much costly than most common ways that most people do today.

Important Never do this

  • Wet the screen directly, shortly spray cleaning fluid directly onto the LCD screen became one of the great contributions will damage the LCD in the future. There are still many people who may be accustomed to since the days of CRT glass screens, spray liquid directly onto the screen, it may never be the biggest cause harm or damage to the screen. But, in contrast to modern LCD screen, the screen is now flat and thin is made of layer-by-layer plastic, glass, adhesives, the ranks of the display elements, and other materials are made thinner. Once fluid into the corner of the LCD screen, then the liquid will spread within the LCD layer through holes capillary for continuous feeding into each of the layers, the same thing her like a fabric liquid, the liquid will absorb and spread. Here is a sample of photos from the screen that kemasukkan fluid, the possibility of the incoming fluid to evaporate and disappear is 0 or not possible at all, and if it can, it will leave a trail of damage to the screen.
  • Do not use alcohol or ammonia-based liquids. Many lay people think that soap glass window (which is made from chemicals) are also suitable for use on a monitor or TV, it's probably because a lot of LCD screens using glossy glass material which is considered the same as ordinary glass. The problem here is present, because the liquid ammonia-based cleaners or alcohol may fade / disconnecting the anti-reflective coating on the screen, the fancy may cause uneven display layers are commonly called 'clouding' and even included damage the screen. Although the screen you have air-glossy glass type, the screen is usually coated by a material which is not resistant to the chemicals. So do not take the risk of indiscriminate use cleaner!
  • Clean with a rough towel, toilet tissue, or a former lap carelessly. Can I explain again that modern screens have now been using materials that are more vulnerable and thinner. Cloth napkins, toilet paper, etc. are also not designed to clean the surface of the thin, delicate and vulnerable. Because permbersih fabrics have a high degree of roughness, and were able to leave scars on your monitor. Moreover, if you use the versatile former cloth that had been used in a variety of surfaces before, could be particles of dirt, dust, and even iron remains and eventually will directly damage your screen.

How to correctly and safely?

Actually, the safest way is to not clean the LCD screen at all! ^^ Confused? Of course, it is impossible not to not cleaned at all, because of the dust, and the daily activities in front of the screen will inevitably result in the dirt, fingerprints, any thin as it is, so that makes us as the owner of the LCD screen itch wanted to clean it up.

Well, from now on, try to prevent and minimize the occurrence of dirt on your LCD screen, for example, if you have small children, teaching them not to hold the TV screen or monitor with his hands, because young children usually most fond of touching anything on the screen. Alternatively, you can close the LCD screen with gloves or anti-dust cover when not in use, so as not to allow dust to accumulate. The more often you in cleaning the LCD screen, it will be better in keeping modern life of your LCD screen. But if your screen already dirty, it must dibersikan..dong .. Here are the steps that we think is most appropriate and safe:

First, turn off the LCD display device, but it would be better if you also unplug its power cord from the wall socket. Never clean the screen before the heat contained in the missing screen, wait a while until conditions cooled. Cleaning the screen is still warm / hot can make it more difficult to clean, and may even damage the screen faster.

Clean dust without having to touch it, you can use a can of air compressors and spray from a distance of approximately 1 meter from the screen. The way it is able to release dust particles that stick due to static electricity. You can also use a rubber dust blower is simple, but this tool also can actually shed back residue that resides in a rubber blower.

LCD screen Wipe gently with a dry microfiber cloth. Microfiber is a miracle of modern technology, because a soft cloth is very useful for electronic goods. Get used, only a microfiber cloth is the one that should not touch your screen, as much as possible do not use a cloth made from the other to clean dust or fingerprints on the LCD screen. Wipe the LCD screen directly onto the dirty part with gentle pressure is usually sufficient. Microfiber cloth is already widely sold in the grocery store or electronics store. When wiping the screen, always avoid making a circular motion in the same place, to prevent the occurrence of a circular scratch marks. Remember, the best way is to wipe with half the pressure and the distance that stretched from left to right and from top to bottom.

Wipe the screen with a microfiber cloth dampened with non-mineral water (distilled water). If you need a more powerful force to remove dirt or stains on your LCD screen, you can also moisten a microfiber cloth with distilled water containing no minerals. Bottled mineral water or directly from the tap itself can leave a deposit and a layer on your LCD screen. You can search for non-mineral water in a big supermarket. Cloth moistened also do not get too wet, simply create feels wet cloth so that no water dripping from the cloth, or a drop of water can actually disrupt your LCD screen.

Dampen a microfiber with non-mineral mixture of water and white vinegar 1: 1. If your LCD screen tertumpahan oily and sticky materials, the way this one is the most secure way than having to use chemicals or alcohol permbersih. After wetting microfiber with the mixture, clean the screen in the same way, that gently and with a wide movement.